Closing 2024 and New Horizons to Come
Hey all!
Hope you had a good Holiday and once again we find ourselves at the end of yet another year. This one has certainly been an interesting one in terms of growth for me. While I didn't make many specific goals for this year, I had some in mind that I can gladly say I followed through with!
The first goal was making the effort of doing my first convention as a vendor, and while it was a small one, it still counts and I'm proud of seeing it through! Second was putting more focus into my comics, mainly keeping a consistent workflow with them, which I did do (despite some minor hiccups here and there). And lastly, one that also involves my comics, was to finish Chapters 2 and 3 of Temple Hunters. This one was also a success (much to my surprise haha)! These might not seem like any monumental goals, but rather they're stepping stones towards things I'd like to see happen in 2025.
For 2025 I've had one particular goal in mind for some time now, and that will be the release of my first "Dino Bones" book! It'll be a compilation of all the current comics (plus some fun bonus things). I'm very excited about it, I just have a few things that need to be in order for it first. I'll give more updates on that particular project as it comes along though.
Another goal that includes my comics will be continuing Temple Hunters of course, however I'd like to have even more chapters finished throughout the year this time. I have a lot of fun planned for Jack and his friends that have been stuck in written form and I've been itching to share with you guys for years now! lol
Another goal is to continue my ventures as a vendor at cons. Though that one may be limited due to budget restrictions, so unfortunately I can't promise any big location cons for 2025. ^^;
However if things change, I'll be sure to keep y'all posted!
Lastly, and this one is silly but still, I'd like to finish some animations I had started this year but just never picked back up. Dedicating more time to my comics has made it difficult finding time for animation, but I'll try to be better about that in the coming year.
Aside from some other personal life goals for the next year, those are the ones I'm sticking to! I know we can't guarantee the outcome of our yearly goals, but at the end of the day, the best we can do is just try.
Thank you all for your love and support! I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Stay Creative in 2025!
I'm so happy and proud of you, Brandon, and I'm sure this next year will be better, go ahead and achieve your goals, you can do it! Greetings! -Oce